hendrix really loves animals.
his first real animal obsession was about 'dogs' and while he is still interested in pointing out every dog he sees, he has become less delighted by them than he used to be.
shortly thereafter it was all about "kitties". he wanted to pull their tails pet them and would chase the one at my mom's or my mother-in-law's until the cat would just run and hide under a bed until we left. about this time he started to use more words and would also say "meow".
then he dropped both of those animals to become completely engrossed with "horsies" (pronounced hord-EE) this was mostly initiated by the rocking horse he got for his birthday, but then was reinforced when he started seeing the horses out in the field right behind the house of his baby-sitter on a regular basis. we had to start going out of our way to see horses (which is a little tricky when you live in town) because they delighted him so much!
now he has picked up a new favorite animal. cows. the funny part is that he doesn't say 'cow' but instead when he sees one he says "mooooooo". There is one hiding in this yellow peekaboo book (see above photo), and he gets the book out saying 'moo', turns to the page of the cow, finds it and then he is all done with the book. if we try to read him the other pages, he just shuts it, saying 'no', unless we open it back up to the cow page. it is funny.
To help reinforce his interest in animals and to encourage him to learn the correct sounds they make, we bought him this really fun farm animal toy for the fridge. It has been a big hit, and it keeps him busy while mommy is trying to get things done in the kitchen.
he does know other animals including, ducks, bears, frogs, tigers, snakes, monkeys, birds, chickens, and pigs; but he just doesn't get as excited about these animals.
i am curious to see what his next favorite will be ;)
do we have a future veterinary on our hands?!?

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