today is my birthday.
for those of you who have been keeping up, yesterday was my anniversary, and the day before that was my husband's birthday.
we have this one really big party week every year, and during it we have far too much cake, enjoy some presents, but most importantly, we make time to spend together just having fun. ;)
the kids (i nanny for) threw me a nice birthday bash yesterday.

hendrix is becoming a pro at opening presents which will serve him well as he celebrates his own birthday before we know it!
the kids were enthusiastic about giving me their gifts and it was a lot of fun to feel special and loved!
aren't these smiling faces just adorable!?!?
then we left our little muchkin home with a baby-sitter (who is a sweet friend of mine), and enjoyed a very special anniversary date night.
it was so fun to go out to eat and to a movie and not have to pack a bib or sippy cup.
i love my cute little hendrix, but i love a few hours alone with my hubby too. ;)
now i get to celebrate my birthday with my own little family tonight, and my parents and siblings tomorrow.
it's a great start to a new year!
oh, and if anyone is wondering, i am still twenty-something. ;)