Last weekend we took Hendrix to his first Iowa State Fair. It was about 75 degrees and sunny, so just about as perfect as weather possibly can get. He had some of Daddy's fresh squeezed lemonade right after we got there, and he definitely approved!
Next we checked out the barn with all the baby animals. He was fascinated. As we would walk away from one animal to go see another one, he would holler back at the one that we were leaving....
He tried a State Fair corn dog (man that was huge!). I imagine he would have liked most of the other food options as well, but since everything is fried and on a stick, mommy packed some fruit and other "boring" foods for him to snack on throughout the day.
Oh, but I had a red-velvet-funnel-cake which was delish!
We had to take a little break to run around on the playground, and of course, let Hendrix crawl through the tunnel a couple of times.
We went with my brother and sister-in-law, and also another brother and his girlfriend. We had lots of fun hanging out with them, and found that it was super nice to have some extra hands to help with Hendrix.
There was a water feature, and of course we couldn't walk by it without Hendrix taking a little sprint through it. ;) He was on the verge of getting the whole walking thing figured out, but he didn't do much of it at the fair, unless we were holding onto one of his hands.
Then a little ice cream sandwich, yum!
My family! ;)
This was the face that he kept making when we were looking at the animals. He didn't really laugh and giggle with happiness, instead he just stared with super-wide eyes.
He liked to get up real close to see the animals, and even got the nerve to touch some of them.
He didn't ride in the stroller except for when he napped for a couple hours in the middle of the day, but it was nice to have to push around all our stuff. Instead he took turns being held or riding around on top of our shoulders.
He handled the crowds really well, and seemed to enjoy taking everything in.
We love the State Fair!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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