Yes, I am a sucker for Christmas music. I. Love. It.
While I may have gotten a head start on Christmas celebrations by hanging up our outdoor lights the weekend before Thanksgiving, I feel like I am a little bit behind on everything else related to Christmas preparations.
This munchkin is Santa's little helper this year. While he is giving me motivation to make this the best Christmas ever, he is also the biggest distraction ever! ;) He really enjoys looking at the lights on the Christmas tree, and he looks really good in red and green! lol
We have an appointment for him to get his pictures taken on Friday (his 3 month shots......already?!?) and I am still trying to figure out what he is going to wear. I am hoping to get a fabulous shot to use on our Christmas card. :)
We will be ordering our Christmas cards from Shutterfly again this year as we have had great luck with them in the past. They have the most professional looking designs and I couldn't be happier with the prices. Last year we got our cards within a week of ordering them without paying for expedited shipping.
I am drawn to the classy simplicity of this Snowflake Card

but then again I like the idea of compiling several of my favorite pics like on this Merry Memories Chartreuse Card

I am thinking I might try to include a family shot, one from his newborn shoot, and another one or two pictures that are current. :)
Shutterfly wants to give me 50 free cards just for sharing this. If you are a blogger interested in free Christmas cards, click here to read more about the offer.
I guess I better get back to typing up my Christmas letter, researching which stores will have the best prices for my shopping trip this weekend, and working on those homemade ornaments for friends and family.
But first, I plan to curl up next to this tree with a cup of hot cocoa and a snuggly little boy.
Happy December. And happy Christmas planning!
This is such a great post, and I can only imagine how wonderful the hot cocoa and snuggles will be :) Happy Hannukah!