Wednesday, January 11, 2012

wordless wednesday {saving for college}

putting money in his "pinny bank" is definitely one of hendrix's favorite activites.  ever since we deposited all the coins that he had acquired into his bank account, he has been obsessed with filling it back up.  he finds coins on the floor, digs them out of our pockets, or puts them in his pockets to save for his 'pinny bank'.

keep it up pal.  college is pretty expensive!

linking up this wordless wednesday post with:


  1. What a great smile! Isn't it scary just HOW much college will be by the time our little ones graduate high school?? Scary!

  2. stopping by from FF&P!

    what a cute piggy bank! we just started a college account for our son right before Christmas because it IS expensive. I graduated in 2008 and came out with 17k in debts-I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to cost by the time my son goes!

  3. How cute is he? And the thought of how much college costs is terrifying!

  4. Awww. So adorable.

  5. this is a great learning activity too1 in so many ways..everyone of my kids did this for hours! they learned math and fine motor skills! I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can. he is too cute and happy!!


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