Monday, December 30, 2013

rub a dub dub {bathtime fun}

my kiddos still tolerate bathing together - though i think that those days are most certainly numbered......

hendrix thinks it is funny to dump water on blaire's head (which she does NOT appreciate)
blaire has been a little too interested in unfamiliar-to-her body parts.  

but for now, while they still like to splish and splash together, i thought it was fun to capture a few images of their morning playtime.

i just love this little girl's big facial expressions.  she has so much enthusiasm, and is capable of so much drama.  oh my.

and he is just plain good natured all the time.  ;)

love these eyelashes, and the headful of hair that is finally growing in!

water on my face?  this is fun!

cheesy grin?  check!

and her personality unfolds.....

honestly, with the last month including a bout of croup, an ear infection, and two new teeth.....i could really use to see more of this cheery face on this gal!  :)

love my two wet noodles.  

happy monday all!

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